Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Park Fun

Hey all, can you believe it? Two in one week! Holy Smokes! This one is less narrative and more pics, cause after all that is what it is all about right? The pics of the kiddos! Who wants to read a long rambling story???? Anyways, some are from yesterday when the kids and I went ourselves to the Riverside Park (Mom's favorite cause there is LOTS of shade!) and the rest are from today when we went to Garland Park with some folks from our ward. Anyways, great fun was had by all! Enjoy!

This is Julia's son Jedidiah, he is just a few months older than Levi and quite the adventurer!

This is Julia's daughter Victoria. Sweet as they come!

Raven and some kids from the ward tossing a ball around, the two bigger boys were throwing the ball as far as they could and making me chase it so I let Raven plat in my place! LOL

Neat pic of Kenzie, I liked the "Frame" aspect of this one, though it would have been better 3-5 seconds earlier, sigh.

My daredevil child, she is about 4 feet from the ground dangling.

Kenzie and Jed playing commerce with rocks, though the Mom's weren't sure of the value system!

Levi at Riverside halfway up the hill, by himself! Another climber I tell ya!

Cutie Pie Raven!

McKenzie heard a rooster crowing and each time would go, "What Da HECK?"

These next three I love as they show how expressive my son is! This is normal for him to be this expressive. He is quite a card and generally has the family laughing over his adorable expressions!



I tell ya this kid LOVES the swing and if this is not enough proof, see the video!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Time to BREATHE!-


Well for me at least! Adam is going like gangbusters since he decided to go back to college, but since I elected to take the summer off.... AHHH I get a chance to breathe and relax!
I have a clean house, OMG right?? For those of you who know me that is a big surprise huh? How many times have you heard me apologize for the mess or seen that HUGE gargantuan pile of laundry in my laundry room upon entering my back door?? GONE!! Each day there are a few dishes in the sink and a couple loads of laundry to do, but mostly this house is CLEAN Yeah! Now I have time to go on walks with the kids, take them to the park or hang out and watch movies with my sweetheart, when he has time! Oh and I have more time to SLEEP too! YES! Not too long ago I took Levi and Kenzie to the museum on the USU campus (why? you ask... let's just say it is one of those things that HAD to be done) As many of you know Levi is 24 pounds now, NOT easy to pack around so I started out with him in the stroller. Kenzie, while a wonderfully sweet little two-year-old is still after all two and has some of that terrrible two-ness about her and so can get VERY mischievous at times. Now she did WONDERFULLY well, especially considering we were in a museum, be quiet, don't touch where the phrases most often uttered, followed closely by "WHY" in the loudest voice possible I am sure... anyways, she did great not touching anything and being relatively quiet, I mean she was VERY quiet for her but those of you who know my little darling well know how LOUD she is.... hehehe Anyways, She did not touch anything and did great for the first 45 minutes but after that I began to see that little troublesome gleam in her eye and decided it was most prudent to put her in the stroller and pack the 24 pounder a while, now imagine packing a 24 pound squirmer who is quickly getting stronger than you, a notepad and pen and a camera (that you cannot use and was brought basically for no reason) all while pushing a stroller with another almost escapee strapped into it... Fun huh?? Anyways after that we rushed through the rest and made our hasty retreat and I decided that a quick way to get the 5 blocks back to the car was in order and so here is what I came up with....

Cute huh? Stacked kids in a stroller! LOL. Noticed they ARE buckled in... I got a few odd looks from people but I thought it was pretty ingenious! My motto these days is "Whatever works!" This worked well, Kenzie liked helping mom out, though in the picture she wasn't too sure about it yet! I think Levi thought I was crazy, but he gives me that look often so maybe he just knows me too well! Hehe!
Anyways, that was an adventure for sure, but not one I want to repeat anytime soon!

Last night just after dinner Adam stepped outside and quickly called us all out to see the most BEAUTIFUL rainbow I had ever seen! It was bright and brilliant and went from Tremonton to Mid-Garland I am sure. It was a complete rainbow and it was SO cool. It was all McKenzie would talk about after that and when she sleepily stumbled into my room at 4 this morning she was still talking about, "My Rainbow". Here are some pics, but they in NO WAY do it justice!

Other than that there is not a whole lot going on. I am IMPATIENTLY waiting to find out if I made it into the Bridgerland Practical Nursing program or not. I should know by the end of the month but EVERY time I get the mail I just about have a heart attack! I am going NUTS! Everyone thinks I should get in but I am still worried. One of the gals from my ward got in to Weber and I think that is AWESOME, but I had to really work hard to quell that little bit of jealousy that sprang up when she told me. Oh well, I hear those who go to the Applied Tech. colleges for the first year tend to be better nurses. So I will just be a better nurse then I would have otherwise!
The kids are doing awesome. Raven is out of school and already cannot wait to get into second grade. Glad things are still exciting at school for her. I hope it stays that way throughout school for her. She and I seem to be doing better and building a stronger relationship but it takes a LOT of work, that is for sure. One moment of frustration can set me back quite a ways.
McKenzie is doing fantastically as usual! Her newest word is wonderful although when she says it, it comes out "Wunnerful" This she says as she enthusiatically spins around in circles and tells me, "Wunnerful Mom, it's Wunnerful!" She is definitely the one Heavenly Father blessed me with to remind me to laugh and enjoy life. She is not like Raven and I, we are both so serious and we take life seriously and at times we forget to laugh and smile and just enjoy the simple things in life, McKenzie gives that to me. Such a blessing she is to me!
Levi, my growler, is crawling like greased lightening and is attempting to walk with assistance, and has stood unassisted a couple of times, but mostly if he doesn't have something to grab onto he chickens out and sits, silly boy! I think he is going to be another climber like his sister Kenzie though because the other day at the park he was sitting beside me and then next thing you know he has climbed up to the TOP of my jogging stroller, all on his own... hmmmm.
Of course this was likely in response to watching his sister climb at the Roy park. You see they have one of those ladder like things that turn sideways at the top and have like four arms (not making much sense right?) just know that this is an object that BEGS to be climbed upon. The place in the picture where McKenzie's feet are is about even with the top of her aunt Becky's head, meaning she is about 5'9" up in the air! Aunt Becky did monitor and slightly assist this climb but still the bravery of a 2-year-old attempting this one?? YIKES and this was not one that she did once, no this was like 3 times until we distracted her....
And to top you off I will end with some photos of the kids... cause you NEVER can get enough photos right??

At Lady and Pop's House... Notice the wonderfully dirty faces? My kids LOVE dirt, and I am WAY cool with that! LOL
Awesome Rolex Shirts that Nonni sent to the kids, the girls shirts say, "Future Contender", cute right??
Ignore the ugly, tired mom look, but isn't the kid adorable?