Friday, March 26, 2010

One a week????

Ya right! I know I know I know I said I would do one a week... and the last I did was in November. Sad day. Sorry all... Actually I should say Sarah cause I think that really you are the only one that reads my blogs. I think I am ok with that though. Anyways, life is crazy and I am ALWAYS busy and when I am NOT I want to be PLAYING with my kids, not blogging, or doing laundry or dishes or sweeping or mopping or... or... or... which is likely why my house is a disgrace right now... But do you want to know something interesting?? I DON'T CARE! No really. I know that people sometimes say that but you know it really does bother them they just want to make it seem like they don't but seriously I don't. You see I have 4 classes till April, and another one starting next Wednesday and the bad thing is I procrastinated on my two that were self paced and now I am like BOGGED down and so housework right now is like one of those things that I just really don't have time or energy to waste on, not even the energy to care or stress about them. In fact I should be sleeping or studying right now... so I think I am going to... but I was feeling like I should post SOMETHING just so I can say my blog has made it to 2010... then maybe soon I can get on here and tell you all about Raven's interesting birthday and rant about Obama and his healthcare... stupid crazy liberal progressives... or vent about my frustrations with life or tell you about how proud I am of myself these last few months and tell you how I am living day to day and happier then ever (what depression?) but at the same time feeling like I have lost my greatest connection to my husband.... from that or from the mountain... or to tell you about THAT debacle.... or.... or.... or.... Perhaps this is like my journal....

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