Thursday, July 29, 2010

News, News, News!!

Well life has been exciting and what can I say? I have obviously allowed myself to get distracted from Blogging again. Sorry Sare! Hope you can forgive me! LOL Anyways, We have had some AWESOME blessings in our family lately. First of all, I got accepted into Nursing School at BATC and I have been jumping through hoops and generally just freaking out trying to make sure everything is in order for when I start. Which is NEXT Tuesday! WAHOOO! SO excited! I have all my books, uniforms have been ordered, babysitter found (Thanks Rachel!!! You are an AWESOME sister in law to me and I am EXCITED that you will be living next door!(oops now I am ahead of myself)) Anyways to say the least I am MORE then ready for school and Super Uber Excited! Now the EVEN Better news.
So for about 3 years now we have been looking for and applying for jobs for Adam. He has been frustrated with ABC and wanted something more stable (no winter layoffs, etc.) and with a little more interest for him, SO long about 1-2 months ago or so I was online looking for him while he was at work in response to yet another text message from my dear husband pleading, "Find me a JOB!" I go through the things I think he is qualified for and I find something called Well Services.... sounds interesting and so I delve deeper in, he would have to go to Wyoming or North Dakota... hmmmm well we're always up for adventure although leaving home wasn't really on the agenda but as my husband says, "If the money's right" so I send him a message and ask if he is interested, he tells me no, not to worry about it but by the time I get his response I have already sent his resume. Now I tell you at the time there was something about it that told me I should send that resume without waiting but you probably will think it is just hindsight, but I swear I had s good feeling about it though I couldn't tell you why. Well in the intervening time I frankly forgot about it. There was once or twice it came to mind but with a cursory thought for yet another resume out with nary a response on I went. Hubby of course didn't even know I had sent the resume, not that I was hiding it, I just forgot to tell him I already sent it. Anyways long about 2-3 weeks ago now I receive an email in our joint email account addressed to Adam saying as how he fit what they were looking for and were very interested in more info about him, bla bla bla. So I told Adam and we got together what they wanted and he met with Ron (at this point I think Adam would have investigated any job that didn't involve ABC). Much to our surprise this job sounded like a pretty good deal. He could expect to bring home around 50k or more the first year and he would be doing HE Operation, which he enjoys. There would be the inconvenience of him working in Wy while living here (gone 2 weeks, home 1) but we figure we can make it work, why not try? He brings home a packet with SCHLUMBERGER on it and all kinds of info about the company, I think shh-lumber-grr??? What is THAT? Anyways I was soon corrected and told it id French and pronounced Shh-lumber-Jay, Ahhhh! Got it! Anyways they do work for oil companies and so I got in touch with Pop, who works with a lot of oil companies through Columbia Heli. and come to find out this company is a pretty big deal and awesome to work for, for all that they are French! LOL Anyways and so Adam and I stressed and fretted for a week leading up to his interview, and as I was asked to go along, we traipsed up to Pocatello for the interview on Friday and low and behold they decided not only that they want my husband in the company and they want him in Rock Springs, they picked him first out of the 16 guys there vying for the positions offered. WAY TO GO BABY! I am so proud of my husband and also a bit scared as he will soon be heading to Wyoming and this will open a whole new chapter in the life of our little family. We will be fine, more then fine, as we always are but it will be difficult and in a year or two (depending on school) we will be living in Wyoming. Not exactly my first choice, but I think it will be worth it. I hope this hob is everything my husband wants in a career, as I KNOW he will do awesome and SHINE! I am SO proud of my husband and also so very aware of the blessings that Heavenly Father has given our family. It is amazing to see how he has blessed us time and time again right when we need it. I cannot express the gratitude I have for my Heavenly Father that he has given me and my family so much and that he has blessed me with such a wonderful, devoted, hard-working husband and such amazingly wonderful children.

1 comment:

  1. Hey.... WOW... That is a cool blog... I now know your story.. that is so very cool, and I agree.... YOU SHOULD BE PROUD of your HUSBAND... That is a very big deal.. God Blesses us too.. We understand the blessings, and realize that he does come in when it is needed the most as well. God bless you and your family always... Jason
